Monday, February 3, 2014

Why does my makeup look dirty!?

-Jillian Raposo

There's nothing more frustrating than finishing your makeup and walking by a brightly lit mirror only to see that you look DIRTY. Why does this happen?! Here are the reasons why, and how to fix them :)

#1 Problem: You have dead skin 
Dry, flaky, or dead skin can be extremely problematic in creating a flawless complexion. Makeup will not absorb properly into dead skin which will create an extremely uneven look. If you've ever had a sunburn, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Solution: If you notice that your skin is flaking this means that the skin is already dead. In that case, I would recommend exfoliating. I recommend an exfoliating mask, face wash, or  clarisonic to rid you of that crusty layer. Glycolic peels are also amazing if you can afford them ($75 a pop @ the dermatologist).

#2 Problem: Your skin is dry 
When your skin is craving hydration, makeup is not exactly what it's looking for. If you have dry skin and add a foundation that may also be dry, your skin is going to hate you. It will literally suck the life out of your face and leave you looking blotchy.

Solution: Always!! moisturize and prime your skin before applying your makeup. This will help create a hydrated base for your makeup to sit on. If you have super dry skin you may also want to look into a moisturizing primer. Setting sprays can also give your skin a sealed and more hydrated appearance. And don't forget to drink LOTS of water and moisturize day & night.

Recommendations: MAC Moisture infusion, MAC Prep & Prime Natural Radiance, MAC Fix plus spray.

#3 Problem: You are using the wrong color
As much as we all want to look tan, buying a foundation that is darker than your skin tone is not the way to go.

Solution: Use a foundation that IS your skin tone and create a more "tan" look by using bronzers along the outer areas of your face. (Forehead, cheekbones, etc.) NOT ALL OVER!

#4 Problem: You are using the wrong products.
If you've been having this "dirty" problem often, change up your products. Sometimes the chemistry of our skin changes which means it may also be time to change up your product line.

Solution: If you've been using powders switch to creams or liquids. If you've been using creams or liquids switch to powders or mineral based.

#5 Problem: You brushes or applicators are dirty
If you've dipped your all over face brush or applicator in foundation, bronzers and highlighters chances are, the next time you go to use them, it's not going to be pretty. Those colors will have all mixed together and probably created a not so nice shade. Brushes with a lot of accumulated products will also not absorb and distribute products as well as clean ones.

Solution:  Clean your brushes as often as possible. I suggest cleaning them in between every application with alcohol and once a week with a brush cleaner.

#6 Problem: Your skin IS in fact, DIRTY!
So you just woke up with yesterdays makeup still on and totally don't feel like going through the whole cleansing and starting over process. I know, we've all been there.  As much as you may think you can get away with just "adding" to yesterday's makeup YOU CAN'T. For one, it's probably germ infested from you touching your face all day and night and two, it's probably worn off in most areas. So don't do it. You'll waste more time trying to fix it than just starting over.

Solutions: Do I need to say…?! Wash your face :)

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